Smart::Args - smart argument validation


Smart::Args is yet another argument validation library.

This module makes your module more readable, and writable =)

  use Smart::Args;

  sub func2 {
    args my $p => 'Int',
         my $q => { isa => 'Int', optional => 1 };
  func2(p => 3, q => 4); # p => 3, q => 4
  func2(p => 3);         # p => 3, q => undef

  sub func3 {
    args my $p => {isa => 'Int', default => 3},
  func3(p => 4); # p => 4
  func3();       # p => 3

  package F;
  use Moose;
  use Smart::Args;

  sub method {
    args my $self,
         my $p => 'Int';
  sub class_method {
    args my $class => 'ClassName',
         my $p => 'Int';

  my $f = F->new();
  $f->method(p => 3);

  F->class_method(p => 3);

Okay, it uses PadWalker to retrieve variable name. It is obvious. But so, PadWalker is stable enough. I think it is production ready.
